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Nově založený spolek - Unie mediálních advokátů ČR. Více na More

Neoprávněné zachycení nezletilého dítěte celebrity pořízené bez souhlasu zákonného zástupce a užité pro bulvární reportáž do hlavních televizních novin. Nové rozhodnutí Obvodního soudu pro Prahu 5 More

This practical handbook about Czech family law is designed for the general public, especially for those in love, for engaged couples, partners, couples that are breaking up or divorcing, and for the interested public, such as parents. Get a knowledge of your rights and duties and try to prevent unpleasant and painful divorces or break-ups. More

Attorney of law Eva Ondrejova published her book Protection of personal rights in Common law and in the Czech law. The book is based on her PhD research. The publication presents the complex introduction to the area of protection of personal rights in the Common law, especially in English law, Commonwealth countries and USA that has not been presented yet for the Czech legal professionals. More

What are the limitations of use of photograpf wedding photos? More

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