News / Articles
Release of new book - How to avoid War of Roses
This is a practical manual of the Czech family law for public, mostly for those in love, fiancees, partners and those whose intend is to divorce. Also it might be useful for parents.
Legitimita sledování a šíření fotografií z výkonu jeho práce v pekárně v průběhu trestu odnětí svobody.
Tomáš Řepka se úspěšně soudil s bulvárním týdeníkem Pestrý svět o legitimitu jeho sledování a šíření fotografií z výkonu jeho práce v pekárně v průběhu trestu odnětí svobody. Potvrdil Městský soud v Praze.
Právní minimum pro influencery
Nejčastější právní otázky prezentace na Instagramu: Předejděte soudním sporům, pokutám, mediálnímu skandálu, mějte povedomí o svých právech a povinnostech. Vzor smlouvy o spolupráci ke stažení zde. Brožura zde.
False accusation of sexual offence in the Czech republic
Kde hranice svobody projevu, obrany veřejného zájmu končí a kde začíná cílená likvidace známých osob za účelem získání zisku a senzace?
A Foreigner’s Guide to Czech Family Law
This practical handbook about Czech family law is designed for the general public, especially for those in love, for engaged couples, partners, couples that are breaking up or divorcing, and for the interested public, such as parents. Get a knowledge of your rights and duties and try to prevent unpleasant and painful divorces or break-ups.
Divorce of sportsmen and celebrities
Are you successful sportsmen or celeberities? Read what to do before marriage or having children to avoid costly divorce in the Czech Republic.
Online consultation in Czech family law
Due to ongoing COVID-19 protective measures, travel restrictions we are offering online consultation that protects your health, from your home, at the time which suits you and under protection of your privacy.
How to combat Czech tabloid? Katrina Kristelova is successful
Český bulvár je specifický, štvavé bulvární kampaně trvají někdy i měsíce, a ne mnoho celebrit má odvahu se bulváru postavit.
Bilingual publication „Fundamentals of Marketing Law and Intellectual Property Law in the Czech Republic“ was released.
The textbook is the first publication that contains basic information about media law, marketing law and copyright in the Czech Republic in English.
Sexy 40 and young men sperm doners
Tikot biologických hodin se zastavit nedá. A ve věku okolo čtyřiceti let tikají opravdu silně. Někteří mladí muži se tak stanou jejich nástrojem pro oplodnění. A jaké z toho plynou právní důsledky?
Výživné pro zletilého
Jaká jsou kritéria pro stanovení výživného zletilému dítěti?
Speculation on infidelity is not a freedom of speech
Court Prague 10 ruled against pubsliher who wrote an artcile about potention infedelity of our client. Apology and satisfaction in amount of 150.000 CZK was awarded. More after appeal.
Divorce rate increased in 2017
Our firm receives an increase in the number of people who want to begin the process right after the holidays. It is importnat to understand the process of dissolving a marriage and evaluate the practical implications of divorce.
Pre-nuptial agreement under the Czech law
The amount of prenuptial agreements is increasing every year. If you would like to marry here in the Czech and apply Czech law, read more.
Petition for dissolution of registered partnership
Petition for dissolution of registered partnership according to § 16 of act no. 115/2006 Coll.
Union of the family lawyers
Attorney at law JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M., Ph.D. became member of the Czech Union of the family lawyers. More
Reasons why marriage with Czech women or men fails
The reasons for dissolving Czech marriages are very well known documented. For the most common reasons there is discrepancy of characters, different opinions and mutual estrangement. How it is with international marriages when one of the spouses is Czech? Are the problems the same or are there any other problems that cause the dissolution of marriage?
The War of the Roses in Czech Republic
Are you a mother and a foreigner? You do not want to lose your child. Will you be trapped in the Czech Republic until your child is 18 years old?
Notice of change of company headqurters
The attorney of law office is situated in own premises from 1. 12. 2016. The new address is Příčná 8, 110 00 Prague 1. We are based in the city centre, 3 minutes walk from Mustek underground, 1 minute walk from Vodičková tram station.
What to do if you cannot see your children after separation?
The solution is to file preliminary injunction. The court has to rule within seven days and establishes at leat minimal visiting rights.