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Právnické osoby zase mohou požadovat peněžitou satisfakci za pomluvu
Několik let jsme usilovali o to, aby naši klienti mohli dosáhnout finančního zadostiučinění za zásah do dobré pověsti. Dnes Ústavní soud v nálezu ze dne 15.1.2025, sp. zn. Pl. ÚS 26/24 zasáhl a přiznal právnickým osobám po rozumu právo požadovat přiměřené zadostiučinění za nemajetkovou újmu. Těšíme se na vývoj našich odvolání, které čekají na Vrchním soudu v Praze.
Union of media lawyers
Nově založený spolek - Unie mediálních advokátů ČR. Více na
A Foreigner’s Guide to Czech Family Law
This practical handbook about Czech family law is designed for the general public, especially for those in love, for engaged couples, partners, couples that are breaking up or divorcing, and for the interested public, such as parents. Get a knowledge of your rights and duties and try to prevent unpleasant and painful divorces or break-ups.
Publication of the book Protection of personal rights in Common law and Czech law
Attorney of law Eva Ondrejova published her book Protection of personal rights in Common law and in the Czech law. The book is based on her PhD research. The publication presents the complex introduction to the area of protection of personal rights in the Common law, especially in English law, Commonwealth countries and USA that has not been presented yet for the Czech legal professionals.
Paparazzi photographs of wedding
What are the limitations of use of photograpf wedding photos?
Impersonation Twitter liability in the Czech Republic
False Twitter account's liability. Eva Ondřejová in the news for the Czech Tv.
Child abduction decisions from other Member States to be recognized in the Czech
General courts in the Czech Republic must respect the earlier decision of another court in a Member State of the EU in cases of international child abduction.
Travel complain for damages
According to Czech New Civil Code, the travel complaint for damages might be filed only within one month after the end of the travel package.
Compensation for pecuniary harm in respect of hotels and restaurants
New Civil Code set up new rules regulating Damage to a thing brought inside, Damage to a thing left at a particular place. What are the practical impact of regulations and what are the conditions of liability?
High Court Methodology for assessing Damages
New Civil Code has changed the damages assessing for health unjury and the death significantly. The flat rate for the life and injury has been abolished. The Court has to make an unique evaluation of ech life and injury in respect of the circumstances of the cases. The High Court issued the Methodology for judges what shall be the highest amounts.