News / ArticlesDownloads

Prenup agreement for same-sex marriage in Czech Republic

From 1.1.2025 with an amendment of teh Civil Code partners will be able to conlude notary deed on community property.

03/01/25Downloads  |  Family law

Release of the collection of the case law in defamation in 2023

Unie mediálních advokátů za podpory členů a České advokátní komory vydala svůj první sborník zásadní judikatury vyšších soudů České republiky z let 2022 a 2023, která se týká ochrany osobnosti a ochrany dobré pověsti právnických osob.

01/12/24Downloads  |  Defamation

Právní minimum pro influencery

Nejčastější právní otázky prezentace na Instagramu: Předejděte soudním sporům, pokutám, mediálnímu skandálu, mějte povedomí o svých právech a povinnostech. Vzor smlouvy o spolupráci ke stažení zde. Brožura zde

17/05/22Downloads  |  Defamation

Bilingual publication „Fundamentals of Marketing Law and Intellectual Property Law in the Czech Republic“ was released.

The textbook is the first publication that contains basic information about media law, marketing law and copyright in the Czech Republic in English. 

26/01/21Downloads  |  Defamation

Divorce rate increased in 2017

Our firm receives an increase in the number of people who want to begin the process right after the holidays. It is importnat to understand the process of dissolving a marriage and evaluate the practical implications of divorce.


Pre-nuptial agreement under the Czech law

The amount of prenuptial agreements is increasing every year. If you would like to marry here in the Czech and apply Czech law, read more. 

18/03/20Downloads  |  Family law

Petition for dissolution of registered partnership

Petition for dissolution of registered partnership according to § 16 of act no. 115/2006 Coll.


Share/joint custody case law form the Czech Constitutional Court

Share/joint custody case law form the Czech Constitutional Court

10/08/16Downloads  |  Family law

Advertising and Promotion Contract

You can download free basic version of the advertising contract according to New Civil Code for purpose of providing logo on sports or cultural events, websites etc.


Czech Living agreement

The template of the Agreement between unmarried couples under the Czech law. 

24/05/15Downloads  |  Defamation

To download: License agreement according to the New Civil Code

The New Civil Code unites the legal basis for license agreement previously grounded in Copyright Act and the Commercial Code. The License agreement is stated in Art 2358 ff NCC. 
