News / ArticlesCompany

Proceedings regarding the granting of a license to operate a nationwide television broadcast distributed through transmitters.

Our law firm successfully advised #THETOPMERCH in the proceedings regarding the granting of a license to operate a nationwide television broadcast distributed through transmitters.

19/12/23Company  |  Defamation

Parental plan to download

Rozešli jste se a chcete se domluvit na péči o Vaše dítě? Nevíte kde začít? Připravili jsme pro Vás rodičovský plán – najdete zde ty nejdůležitější témata, na kterých je potřeba se shodnout, abyste se vyhnuli sporům do budoucna. Plán lze nechat schválit i soudem. Spousta soudů dle rodičovských plánů postupuje, zde je komplexní plán připravený na základě naší dlouholeté zkušenosti. 

11/12/22Company  |  Family law

Byznys s urážkami

Jsou urážky Soukupa a Hanychové protiprávní? 

30/11/22Company  |  Defamation

Release of new book - How to avoid War of Roses

This is a practical manual of the Czech family law for public, mostly for those in love, fiancees, partners and those whose intend is to divorce. Also it might be useful for parents. 

29/05/22Company  |  Family law

Online consultation in Czech family law

Due to ongoing COVID-19 protective measures, travel restrictions we are offering online consultation that protects your health, from your home, at the time which suits you and under protection of your privacy. 

08/03/21Company  |  Family law

Union of the family lawyers

Attorney at law JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M., Ph.D. became member of the Czech Union of the family lawyers. More

24/05/18Company  |  Family law

Notice of change of company headqurters

The attorney of law office is situated in own premises from 1. 12. 2016. The new address is Příčná 8, 110 00 Prague 1. We are based in the city centre, 3 minutes walk from Mustek underground, 1 minute walk from Vodičková tram station. 

24/06/17Company  |  Family law

Notice of change of company headqurters

The attorney of law office will be moved to own premises from 1. 12. 2016. The new address is Příčná 8, 110 00 Prague 1. We will be based in the city centre, 3 minutes walk from Mustek, 1 minute walk from Vodičková tram station. The parking will be provided.


Child custody and access to child in the Czech republic

JUDr. Eva Ondrejova in the interview for the Czech radio on topic Child custody and access to child in the Czech republic. More. 

05/01/16Company  |  Family law

Conference Forum Media 2015

Attorney at law Eva Ondřejová was a speaker at the Conference Forum Media 2015 on 19.11.2015. The guest topic was Media laws in 2016. 

21/11/15Company  |  Defamation

Interview for the Czech television

Eva Ondřejová a guest of Česká televize in respect of the case Peroutka v Zeman on 12.8.2015.


Support measures in the case of reduced capacity of an adult to make juridical acts

Eva Ondřejová host on Czech Radio Region interview on Support measures in the case of reduced capacity of an adult to make juridical acts 

23/03/15Company  |  Defamation

How to protect against stalking?

Eva Ondřejová host on Czech Radio Region interview on stalking.


How to protect against defamation

Eva Ondrejova was a host in an radio interview on Czech Radio Region on topic what to do against defamation

18/09/14Company  |  Defamation


RICC s.r.o. provided reference for services in the area of intellectual property in respect of license agreement. 
